  • SOLEMN CEREMONY — Bagpipe music by Jim Dial provided a haunting mood for the solemn ceremony inside the Myra Wilson Chapel of Sulphur Springs City Cemetery for Wreaths Across America 2022. Afterwards, as attendees poured out of the chapel and into the cemetery to place live fir wreaths upon headstones of veterans, the bagpipes could still be heard throughout the grounds and into adjoining Mel Haven Cemetery as 900-plus wreaths were placed.
    SOLEMN CEREMONY — Bagpipe music by Jim Dial provided a haunting mood for the solemn ceremony inside the Myra Wilson Chapel of Sulphur Springs City Cemetery for Wreaths Across America 2022. Afterwards, as attendees poured out of the chapel and into the cemetery to place live fir wreaths upon headstones of veterans, the bagpipes could still be heard throughout the grounds and into adjoining Mel Haven Cemetery as 900-plus wreaths were placed.