What does it sound like when God speaks?

  • What does it sound like when God speaks?
    What does it sound like when God speaks?

Some people say they “heard The Lord Say…” but what does that mean? Do they hear an audible voice from the heavens shake the walls of the room and give an order or command? Does God use His finger to write a message in the steamy mirror of the morning shower?

When God Speaks, things happen. All of Creation is caused to be. This is power! Most have heard the story of Moses and how God revealed Himself and manifested in a consuming flame on a bush and spoke audibly and out loud. The story of Paul and his companions on their way to slaughter early followers of “The Way” hearing an audible voice, were stopped in their tracks and their lives changed.

Broken and corrupted people who were on the wrong path to do the wrong things turned their eyes and hearts to the TRUE way. God spoke to Noah, Abram, and so many others OUT LOUD. God speaks out loud…sometimes. When and how He chooses to speak is His business. Who He chooses to speak to is His business. I have heard so many people ask why God won’t just come and “tell me what He wants me to do loud and clear”.

It is hard to wrestle with the concept of hearing from The Almighty directly. How is it that The Lord and Creator can directly speak to a mortal, feeble human being when we are so lowly and undeserving? The first TRUTH to point out is that He loves us with a burning and consuming love that we cannot experience here on earth. We can get a taste sometimes when we are nearest Him in worship or prayer but to know the fullness of His love awaits us after we inherit new bodies upon death of the physical because our cells would simply vibrate out of existence. We cannot handle the pure, magnificent love.

It’s too powerful for our flesh to handle. He knows this. He speaks in ways we can tolerate, that will keep us motivated and on the narrow path yet we know when we hear His voice. Jesus said My sheep know my voice” which means that those that are “in Him” simply have a knowing that is not able to be described with the limitations we are bound by.

When I recall hearing from The Lord directly for the first time when I was 26, it was not audible but within my Spirit. My cells were so full that I could hardly breathe. He caused Creation to stir and shake my car and a cloud to roll in with thunder in an otherwise clear sky and then He used a sign in someone’s yard for the finish of a very specific message. He spoke using His power over His Creation AND the people who know His voice. He speaks to me to this day in this way, but it took years of learning to differentiate between what was originating from my own mind and what was Him. He is known as a “still, small voice” because He chooses to make Himself meek and lowly to soften us to Him and to allow us to be obedient to Him using our own free will with so much patience. He is gentle and loving. He knows every. Single. Hair. On. Our. Heads. God also spoke and still speaks, in dreams and visions. Countless times in scripture are recorded instances of God giving a dream or a vision. He does this to this day. One does NOT have to have a degree from seminary or have saved lost souls. We do not have to be perfect or have purged our own sin from our lives to hear from Him. He uses broken and corrupted people to deliver His Word. It all points to the need for a savior and an intercessor! When we choose to listen, His voice can be a deep, unexplainable inner knowing. It can be a dream (which I was recently was convicted to write down immediately upon waking or experiencing and encourage you to do so also!) or it can be a flash of a vision that you KNOW did not come from your own mind. Somehow, we JUST KNOW when it’s God.

We were created to have fellowship with Him. He will speak to us in ways that are unique to us because we are His children, beloved. Oh, so beloved.

You are unique in your talents and personality. God will Speak in a way that is just for you. Others who have heard from Him will understand, which is why it is so very important to find and maintain a body of believers (a church/ ecclesia) who you can share with. As you maintain your connection to Him, Abide in Him, and seek him and grow, He speaks more and more. He will literally Guide you. Before you know it, you’ve been hearing from God directly and your life is completely different. He will capture your heart in unimaginable ways, and you won’t be able to keep it to yourself. You will yearn to be with the Body and Fellowship. There is so much Joy, peace and satisfaction and it ONLY comes from Him.

So, the answer to today’s question. What does it sound like when God Speaks? Is that it varies because all people are varied. Ask Him to Speak to you and then PAY ATTENTION. Ask Him in Prayer to help you retain the message. See with new eyes and hear with new ears. This is the Way of the Spirit. Trust what you are given, this is called Faith.

Most importantly, God Speaks through His Word. The written Word and His only Begotten Son, Messiah, who we know to be the physical encapsulation of the Word since the beginning!

Get excited about next Saturdays’ IQ – What does an effective prayer look like?

Written by Stephanie Cigainero-Kneale of Sulphur Springs, member of Community Bible Fellowship, Dike TX.

For scripture references, to find out more about how you can give your heart to God or citations, please email IQSulphurSprings@proton.me